just like turkey was an unexpectedly amazing adventure, jordan was absolutely fabulous! some sites were biblical sites, and others were simply important in biblical times... and some were completely unrelated at all... ;)
we began at mt. nebo
"and moses went up from the plains of moab unto the mountain of nebo... and the Lord said unto him, this is the land which i sware unto abraham, unto isaac, and unto jacob..."
it was here also that moses ascended in to heaven."
deuteronomy 34:1-4
the mosaic map at madaba!
a large mosaic map of the holy land during byzantine times... this pic is a close up of jerusalem... there i am!!

classic jumping pic. although this one is a favorite...perhaps it's because we all look like ninja masters.
it's just the jeru awesome.
the two man band at our hotel in petra. mini dance party in the restaurant, no... bid deal! even the cooks and staff were
in on the celebrating!
now for the best part....
this is the part to be jealous of...
*cue indiana jones theme*

the treasury at petra--the location of the temple in indiana jones and the last crusade
"now, he who finds the grail must face 3 challenges. first, is the path of God: only the penitent men shall pass. second, is the word of God: only in the footsteps of God, shall he proceed. last is the breath of God: only in a leap from the lion's head shall he prove his worth."
as any young jones-lover should, i had my own last own search for the holy grail!
"the search for the grail is the search for the divine in all of us. but if you want the facts, indy, i've none to give you. at my age, i'm prepared to take a few things on faith."
sadly, i never found it...maybe it's because i wasn't seeking it for the right reasons.
the crazy old knight even asked indiana, "ask yourself, why do you seek the Cup of Christ? is if for His glory, or for yours?"
temple of hercules in amman.
cursed disney songs get stuck in my head so easily!!
my experience here at the jabbok river was one of those little surprises... it was somewhere along this river that jacob has a heavenly visitation in which he "wrestles with a man," sees God face to face, and has his name changed to israel.
jacob desired the covenant blessings he was promised, so much so that he wrestled the angel and would not let him go until he received those covenants. brother huntsman challenged us all to be willing to "wrestle with God" or to wrestle with our own weaknesses and trials so that we can be worthy of covenant blessings...then as jacob's name was changed to israel ("one who prevails with God"), we can also be successful and gaining the blessings of eternal life.
just a little tidbit for you today :)
second favorite stop....
because you know....
bagpipes at roman ruins is normal...
i have no idea what value this museum had to my knowledge of the bible, but i know a certain someone who would be incredibly jealous of this particular place.
the jordanian royal automobile museum
shout-out to you harmon! ;)
Jesus came to John the Baptist, in Judea long ago, and was baptized by immersion in the River Jordan's flow. "To fulfill the law," said Jesus, when the Baptist quesitoned why, "And to enter with my Father in the Kingdom up on high." Now we know that we must also witness faith in Jesus' word, be baptized to show obedience, as was Jesus Christ, our Lord.
i officially loved this place.
and upon returning...i have only 5 weeks left! where has the time gone???
"sometimes i feel that life is passing me by, not slowly either, but with ropes of steam and spark-spattered wheels and a hoarse roar of power or terror. it's passing, yet i'm the one who's doing all the moving."
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